Laura Bonino Gemme
Université Lumière Lyon 2 and EHESS
The Problem of the Maria Theresa Thaler in the Colony of Eritrea: A Reinterpretation through Institutionalist Monetary Theories
Kai Brüggemann
University of Hamburg
Can Institutional Prescriptions from General Equilibrium Theory Address the Climate-economy Problem?
Elisa Cortinhas
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, PHARE
John Stuart Mill and the Saint-Simonian Doctrine: An Illustration of Mill's Conception of the Progress of Societies
María Gutiérrez Ruan
University of Lausanne
What Are the Distinctive Features of Lab in the Field Experiments? Insights from Colombian Experimentalists
Eva Jacob
BETA, University of Strasbourg
Mixing Basic Income and Social Preferences: A Laboratory Experiment
Mandie Joulin
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Telecom-Paris, I3, NOS, DiPlab
Engineers and the Idea of a «Failure» of Economic Science: A Study of the Technocratic Movement (USA) and X-Crise (France)
James Michelson
Carnegie Mellon University
The Futility of Statistics Without History
Isadora Pelegrini Silva
Center for Regional Development and Planning - Federal University of Minas Gerais
Celso Furtado and his interlocutors: The Dualistic Reason in 20th Century Development Economics
Thomas Peronnet
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, PHARE
Conflicting Views on the Object, the Significance, and Status of Economics in Robbins’ Definition
Christopher J. Proctor
University of Technology of Compiegne and Università Roma Tre
Growth of What? An Exploration of Pathways for Global Economic Demand with Low Fossil Fuel Use and High Employment
Sebastian Stępień
Warsaw School of Economics
Analyzing Selected Chapters from Academic Textbooks on the Ideas of Adam Smith, Using PDF Parsing and Natural Language Processing in Python
Alexey Upravitelev
European University Institute
Behavioral Imperialism and Three Periods of Behavioral Economics
Louise Villeneuve
Goldsmiths, University of London
The Desire to Consume and the Origins of Adam Smith’s Division of Labour
Vincent Zanello
University of Strasbourg
Joan Robinson’s “Second Crisis of Economic Theory” and Keynes’ “Bastard Keynesianism”
Daniel F. Zarama Rojas
Université de Lorraine
Are Cognitive Biases Epistemic Vices? An (un)Resolved Knowledge Problem in Nudge Economics